chemical · noun C /ˈkem.ə.kəl/Full view
Nouns: chemical, chemist, chemistry
Adjectives: chemical
Adverbs: chemically
B2 a basic substance that is used in chemistry or produced by chemistry
Dictionary examples:

The government has pledged to reduce the amount of chemicals used in food production.

Each year, factories release millions of tons of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

Learner example:

There are a lot of chemicals and sewage in the river Dollmitz and the lakes, too. (First Certificate in English; B2; German)

chemical · adjective /ˈkem.ə.kəl/
Nouns: chemical, chemist, chemistry
Adjectives: chemical
Adverbs: chemically
B2 relating to chemicals
Dictionary examples:

a chemical reaction

chemical weapons

The chemical industry produces such things as petrochemicals, drugs, paint and rubber.

Learner example:

In the latter many chemical reactions may be reproduced to show the students the final compounds generated. (First Certificate in English; B2; Italian)

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