collapse · verb I /kəˈlæps/Full view
collapse (OBJECT)
B2 to fall down suddenly because of pressure or having no strength or support
Dictionary examples:

Thousands of buildings collapsed in the earthquake.

The chair collapsed under her weight.

Learner example:

Then a sudden wave of fire made their heads explode and many buildings collapsed instantly. (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

collapse (PERSON)
B2 If someone collapses, they fall down, usually because they are ill or weak.
Dictionary example:

He collapsed and died of a heart attack.

Learner example:

He desperately tried to keep the stalking sharks at bay, but he couldn't succeed, for the long fight exhausted him and he collapsed. (First Certificate in English; B2; Turkish)

collapse (FAIL)
C2 to fail to work or succeed
Dictionary example:

The peace talks have collapsed.

Learner example:

So, in the long run, the whole social system may collapse due to people's longer life. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; German)

collapse · noun C or U /kəˈlæps/
B2 the sudden failure of a system, organization, business, etc.
Dictionary examples:

A poor economy has caused the collapse of thousands of small businesses.

Negotiations between the two countries are on the brink/verge of collapse.

He suffered a mental collapse after ten years' teaching.

Learner example:

After your nervous collapse last year I really worry about you. (First Certificate in English; B2; Polish)

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