concern · verb T /kənˈsɜrn/Full view
Nouns: concern
Adjectives: concerned, unconcerned
Verbs: concern, concerning
concern (INVOLVE)
B2 to be important to someone or to involve someone directly
Dictionary examples:

Matters of pollution and the environment concern us all.

There are one or two other matters that don't concern you.

Learner example:

Fitness and health are two important issues in life which concern all of us. (First Certificate in English; B2; Dutch)

concern (BE ABOUT)
B2 to be about a particular subject
Dictionary example:

The next item on the agenda concerns staffing.

Learner example:

Your other question concerns clothes. (First Certificate in English; B2; Swedish)

concern (WORRY)
C1 to worry or upset someone
Dictionary example:

What really concerns me is her lack of experience.

Learner example:

I read your newspaper announcement and because I am seriously concerned I decided to write you this letter. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; German)

concern · noun C or U /kənˈsɜrn/
Nouns: concern
Adjectives: concerned, unconcerned
Verbs: concern, concerning
concern (WORRY)
B2 when you feel worried or nervous about something, or something that makes you feel worried
Dictionary examples:

Concern for the safety of the two missing teenagers is growing.

There's a lot of public concern about/over dangerous toxins recently found in food.

The situation has been causing concern for some time now.

My concern is that you're not getting enough work done.

There's a matter of some concern that I have to discuss with you.

Learner example:

All those days I put aside all my concerns about my studies. (First Certificate in English; B2; Greek)

B2 something that is important to you, or when something is important
Dictionary example:

Our primary concern is safety.

Learner example:

My concern is what present to buy for Mr Brown. (First Certificate in English; B2; Greek)

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