count · verb /kɑʊnt/Full view
Nouns: count, recount
Adjectives: countable, uncountable, countless
Verbs: count, recount
count (SEE HOW MANY)
B1 T to see how many people or things there are
Dictionary examples:

The teachers counted the students as they got on the bus.

Count your money carefully to make sure it's all there.

We're still waiting for the votes to be counted.

Learner example:

I counted them and there were 5 suitcases. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Tamil)

B1 I to say numbers in their correct order
Dictionary example:

Can you count to ten in French?

Learner example:

What he told me is "If you have any wishes, count 1 to 100 every Sunday for one month". (Preliminary English Test; B1; Korean)

B2 I to be important
Dictionary examples:

I've always believed that happiness counts more than money.

My opinion doesn't count for anything around here.

Learner example:

It wasn't romantic, there were no flowers but Carla knew [that] what counts is in the h[e]art. (First Certificate in English; B2; Hungarian)

count (CONSIDER)
C2 T to think of someone or something in a particular way
Dictionary examples:

She counted Tim as her closest friend.

You should count yourself lucky you weren't hurt.

Learner example:

In a way, I think I should count myself very lucky. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Chinese)

C2 I to be accepted or allowed as part of something
Dictionary example:

I've been to sixteen different countries, but I only spent half an hour in Luxembourg, so that doesn't really count.

count (INCLUDE)
C2 T to include something or someone in a calculation
Dictionary example:

There are 1500 people at my school, counting teachers.

Learner example:

It was not until I married Paul that I began to receive a bunch of telephone calls from my closest relatives, not counting my mother because she had [already] become a part of our house. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Portuguese)

lose count
C2 to forget how many of something there is
Dictionary example:

I've lost count of how many of times she's been late.

Learner example:

I lost count [of] how often I heard this sentence when I used to work for a drug company. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Dutch)

count (NUMBER)
C2 C when you count something, or the total number you get after counting
Dictionary example:

At the last count there were 410 club members.

Learner example:

[At the] last count they still had 5 thousand dollars and one night to spend it. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Portuguese)

count sb in
C2 to include someone in an activity
Dictionary example:

If you're going for a pizza, you can count me in.

Learner example:

I can always count her in. She is always there by my side. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Portuguese)

count on sb
B2 to have confidence in someone because you know they will do what you want
Dictionary example:

I can always count on my parents to help me.

Learner example:

So Jan, I'm sure I can count on you. (First Certificate in English; B2; Swiss German)

count on sth
B2 to expect something to happen and make plans based on it
Dictionary example:

I didn't count on so many people coming to the party.

Learner example:

This town can always count on the same quality and variety of films as any other city in the world. (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

count toward sth
C2 to be part of what is needed to complete something or achieve something
Dictionary example:

This essay counts toward my final grade.

count up sb/sth or count sb/sth up
C2 to add together all the people or things in a group
Dictionary example:

If you count up all the money in your various savings accounts, it is quite a large sum.

Learner example:

People might not consider food to be of great importance, but it surely is, especially counting up all the hours we spend in kitchens or in supermarkets (looking for food, thinking of what we might fancy having for dinner). (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Russian)

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