crash · verb /kræʃ/Full view
crash (VEHICLE)
B1 I or T to have an accident in a vehicle
Dictionary examples:

He skidded on the ice and crashed into another car.

The plane crashed into a field.

Her brother borrowed her motorbike and crashed it.

Learner example:

I crashed my car and here in my city the bus is terrib[le]. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Portuguese)

crash (COMPUTER)
B2 I If a computer or computer system crashes, it suddenly stops working.
Dictionary example:

My computer keeps crashing.

Learner example:

Will the computers crash after New Year? (First Certificate in English; B2; Danish)

crash (MONEY)
C1 I If a financial market crashes, prices suddenly fall by a large amount.
Dictionary example:

They lost all their savings when the market crashed.

crash · noun C /kræʃ/
crash (VEHICLE)
B1 an accident in which a vehicle hits something
Dictionary examples:

a car/plane crash

They had a crash on the way to work.

She died in a car crash.

Learner example:

Hi, as you know I had a car crash and my car is damaged. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Farsi)

crash (LOUD NOISE)
B2 a sudden, loud noise made when something falls or breaks
Dictionary example:

I heard a crash and hurried into the kitchen.

Learner example:

A loud crash disturbed the silence of the night. (First Certificate in English; B2; German)

crash (BUSINESS)
C1 when the value of a country's businesses suddenly falls by a large amount
Dictionary example:

He lost a lot of money in the stock market crash of 1929.

Learner example:

Regarding the economy of the globe, this intensiv[e] trad[ing] may lead to a worldwide crash. (International English Language Testing System; C1; German)

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