damage · noun U /ˈdæm.ɪdʒ/Full view
Nouns: damage, damages
Verbs: damage
B1 harm or injury
Dictionary examples:

Strong winds had caused serious damage to the roof.

storm/flood/fire/bomb damage

He suffered brain damage in the car crash.

Learner example:

I read in the paper last week that overworking may cause serious damage to your health. (First Certificate in English; B2; German)

damage · verb T /ˈdæm.ɪdʒ/
Nouns: damage, damages
Verbs: damage
B1 to harm, break or spoil something
Dictionary examples:

Many buildings were badly damaged during the war.

Smoking can seriously damage your health.

Learner example:

They may be using chemicals that could damage the ozone layer. (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

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