deal · noun /diːl/Full view
Nouns: deal, dealer, dealings, dealership
Verbs: deal, deal (with)
B2 C an agreement or an arrangement, especially in business
Dictionary examples:

a business deal

I'll make a deal with you - you wash the car and I'll let you use it tonight.

Learner example:

"I want to make a deal with you," he went on. (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

a good/great deal
B2 a lot
Dictionary examples:

She used to talk a great deal about her childhood in Indiana.

A good deal of effort has gone into making the software reliable.

Learner example:

There will be lots of events which you could see and take a great deal of pictures [of]. (First Certificate in English; B2; Portuguese)

a good deal
C1 an agreement, arrangement, or situation that benefits you
Dictionary example:

I think we got a really good deal on our new car.

Learner example:

The possibility [of] get[ting] the needed staff from our own departments is absolutely a good deal for the company. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; French)

deal · verb /diːl/
Nouns: deal, dealer, dealings, dealership
Verbs: deal, deal (with)
deal with sth
B1 to take action in order to achieve something or in order to solve a problem
Dictionary examples:

How do you intend to deal with this problem?

The building manager dealt with the heating problem.

Learner example:

Sorry about such [a] late reply, but I've had some problems to deal with. (First Certificate in English; B2; Polish)

deal with sb
B2 to talk to someone or meet someone, especially as part of your job
Dictionary example:

She's used to dealing with difficult customers.

Learner example:

In my previous job, I used to deal with many, many people. (First Certificate in English; B2; Portuguese)

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