do · auxiliary verb /duː/Full view
A1 used with another verb to form questions and negative phrases
Dictionary examples:

Do you speak English?

Where do you work?

When does your train leave?

Why did you say that?

I don't know.

He doesn't eat meat.

I didn't see her there.

Learner example:

What did you do at [the] party? (Key English Test; A2; Italian)

don't you?/do you?/doesn't she?/does she?, etc.
A2 used in a phrase at the end of a sentence to make the sentence a question
Dictionary examples:

You like her, don't you?

Sarah lives near here, doesn't she?

You didn't ask him, did you?

It doesn't hurt, does it?

Learner example:

You love watch[ing] tv, don't you?! (Preliminary English Test; B1; Portuguese)

Do you mind ...?
A2 something you say when politely asking if you can do something, or when asking someone else to do something
Dictionary example:

Do you mind if I turn on the television?

Learner example:

Do you mind if I bring a friend? (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

do badly/well
B1 to be unsuccessful/successful
Dictionary example:

Sam did very well in her exams.

Learner example:

I had done badly in my last exam and my teacher said she would talk to my mother. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Tamil)

B1 used to avoid repeating a verb that has just been used
Dictionary examples:

She runs much faster than he does.

Maria looks much healthier than she did.

"I hate that song!" "So do I."

"I don't like the heat." "Neither do I."

"May I join you?" "Please do!"

Learner example:

I like Brad Pitt a lot, and so does she. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Italian)

B2 used to give extra force to the main verb
Dictionary examples:

Do let me know if you need anything.

He does like you - he's just shy.

Learner example:

I real[l]y do love to be a volunteer, to help people as much as I can. (Skills for Life (Level 1); B2; Romanian)

do · verb /duː/
Nouns: doing
Adjectives: doable, done, overdone, undone
Verbs: do, outdo, overdo, undo
A1 T to perform an action
Dictionary examples:

What should we do?

What are you doing tonight?

Have you done your homework?

We did a lot of talking.

I've got nothing to do.

Learner example:

I have nothing to do. (Key English Test; A2; Chinese)

do the cleaning/cooking, etc.
A1 to perform a job in the house
Dictionary example:

I do the cooking but Joe does most of the cleaning.

Learner example:

She like[s] to do [the] cooking. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

what does sb do?
A1 used to ask what someone's job is
Dictionary examples:

"What do you do (for a living)?" "I'm a doctor."

What does Antonio do - does he teach?

I don't know what his wife does.

Learner example:

What does Angie do? (Preliminary English Test; B1; German)

do (MAKE)
A2 T to make or produce something
Dictionary examples:

I've done 20 copies of the handout.

That bakery does a really good lemon cake.

Learner example:

[On] any sp[e]cial day [like] Devali they do some sp[e]cial sweet food. (Skills for Life (Entry 2); A2; Arabic)

A2 I used for talking or asking about someone and whether they are healthy, happy, or succeeding
Dictionary examples:

Hi, how are you doing?

"How is Freya doing?" "She's doing really well, thanks."

Learner example:

I'm doing fine. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Estonian)

do (SPORT, ETC.)
A2 to perform a sports activity
Dictionary example:

She does yoga in her spare time.

Learner example:

[At the club,] I can swim, do karate [or] yoga, play soccer, tennis, squash and table-tennis. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Portuguese)

do your hair/makeup, etc.
B1 to make your hair/makeup, etc. look nice
Dictionary example:

It takes him half an hour to do his hair in the morning.

Learner example:

I was the assistant of the person responsible for the clothes and make-up of the pop-group, [and] I was asked to do their make-up on my o[w]n. (First Certificate in English; B2; Greek)

do your best
B1 to make the greatest effort possible
Dictionary example:

I did my best to persuade him.

Learner example:

I'll do my best to cover the work. (Preliminary English Test; B1; French)

do sb good
B2 to have a good effect on someone
Dictionary example:

A break from this would do us all good.

Learner example:

I must admit that my stay in your nice home did me good. (First Certificate in English; B2; Polish)

do damage/harm, etc.
B2 to cause damage/harm, etc.
Dictionary example:

The fire did a lot of structural damage to the building.

Learner example:

I promise not to do any damage! (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

have to do with sth
B2 to be related to something
Dictionary example:

She lacks confidence and I think that has to do with her childhood.

Learner example:

I think that is nothing to do with my accident. (Skills for Life (Level 1); B2; Polish)

easier said than done
C1 used to say that something seems like a good idea but it would be difficult to do
Dictionary example:

I want to ask her out, but it's easier said than done.

Learner example:

I know it's easier said than done but you have to try. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Swedish)

do your utmost
C1 to try as hard as you can to do something
Dictionary example:

We did our utmost to finish the project on time.

Learner example:

In addition, we l[i]ve in a materialistic society where we all do our utmost in order to make ends meet, but we are never satisfied. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)

do the job
C2 If something does the job, it achieves the desired result.
Dictionary example:

I need somewhere to keep these papers – this folder should do the job.

Learner example:

Allow them to bring home friends and therefore develop social skills. In my opinion, that should do the job. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; German)

make do (with)
C2 to use something that is less good than you would like
Dictionary example:

If we can't get a bigger room we'll have to make do with this.

Learner example:

Very calmly, he said "I am not going to put up with this. You might say that I am being too emotional, overreacting, whatever. But I will not come back until my piano has been returned. And let me make very clear that I will not make do with another instrument." (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; French)

do the trick
C2 If something does the trick, it solves a problem or has the result you want.
Dictionary example:

If you have a headache, an aspirin will usually do the trick.

Learner example:

Using aromatherapy oil and scented candles always did the trick when she wanted to relax. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; French)

do up sth or do sth up
B2 to repair or decorate a building so that it looks attractive
Dictionary example:

He does up old houses and then sells them.

Learner example:

I think we could do up some of our old buildings that are nice but [which] the d[ir]t and the pollution don't let us see. (First Certificate in English; B2; Catalan)

do without (sb/sth)
B2 to manage without having something
Dictionary example:

Andrew's our best player - we can't really do without him.

Learner example:

We can't stand doing without the car. (First Certificate in English; B2; Japanese)

do away with sth ()
C1 to get rid of something or stop using something
Dictionary examples:

We may do away with the school uniform soon.

These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with years ago.

Learner example:

Argentinians seem to be doing away with fried food and baking, boiling and steaming are now the most common ways of cooking. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Spanish)

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