drop · verb /drɑp/Full view
drop (FALL)
B1 I or T to fall or to allow something to fall
Dictionary examples:

She dropped her keys.

I'm always dropping things.

Amanda dropped her sunglasses in/into the fountain.

The book dropped from/off the shelf.

Don't drop it!/Don't let it drop!

Learner example:

Maybe this is the reason why I dropped my cup of tea. (Preliminary English Test; B1; German)

drag and drop
B1 to move something on a computer screen using a mouse and place it where you want it to be
Dictionary example:

drag and drop exercises

Learner example:

With simple mouse-clicks and by means of the well-known "drag-and-drop" method, this programme will enable you to select a fabric from the catalogue and "drop" it on a chair or couch, to see what they look like. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; German)

drop (LOWER)
B2 I or T to move to a lower level, or cause something to move to a lower level
Dictionary examples:

The water level in the flooded region has finally begun to drop.

The land drops (away) sharply behind the house.

We've had to drop our prices because of the recession.

Learner example:

Especially if you imagine that the number of heart-attacks was about 40% per year and for [the] last 3 years dropped down to 23%. (First Certificate in English; B2; Danish)

B2 T to stop doing or planning something, especially an activity
Dictionary examples:

I'm going to drop yoga and do aerobics instead.

Can you drop what you're doing and help me with this report?

Learner example:

I think you shouldn't drop sports but on the other hand, if you drop sports and do music, it [would be] quite good as well. (First Certificate in English; B2; Chinese)

drop (TAKE)
C1 T to take someone or something to a place, usually by car as you travel somewhere else
Dictionary example:

I can drop you at the station on my way to work.

Learner example:

You [had] better hire a car or get to know somebody who can drop you there. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Spanish)

drop it/the subject
C2 to stop talking about something, especially because it is annoying or upsetting someone
Dictionary example:

I don't want to talk about it any more - let's drop the subject.

drop dead
C2 to die very suddenly
Dictionary example:

He just dropped dead.

Learner example:

We can enjoy our longer lives because we don't have to work until we drop dead. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Dutch)

drop · noun /drɑp/
drop (LIQUID)
B1 C a small round-shaped amount of liquid
Dictionary examples:

I thought I felt a drop of rain.

There were little drops of paint on the kitchen floor.

Learner example:

I could only hear the drops against the window-pane. (First Certificate in English; B2; French)

B2 no plural a reduction in the amount or level of something
Dictionary examples:

a drop in crime

The recent drop in magazine subscriptions is causing some concern.

Learner example:

It maintain[ed] the same level between 1998 and 2008 after a drop from 1996 to 1998. (International English Language Testing System; B2; Korean)

C1 no plural a vertical distance down from somewhere to the ground
Dictionary example:

It's a drop of about 50 feet from the top of the cliff.

a drop in the ocean
C2 a very small amount compared to the amount needed
Dictionary example:

My letter of protest was just a drop in the ocean.

Learner example:

I know I am a drop in the ocean, but I'm convinced it's the only way, my way, of contributing to improve education in Mexico. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Spanish)

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