easy · adjective /ˈiː.zi/Full view
Nouns: ease, unease
Adjectives: easy, uneasy
Verbs: ease
Adverbs: easily, uneasily, easy
A1 not difficult
Dictionary examples:

an easy exam

Would a ten o'clock appointment be easier for you?

It's easy to see why he's so popular.

She's very easy to talk to.

The easiest thing to do would be for us to take the train home.

Learner example:

It's very easy. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Bengali)

(take) the easy way out
C1 to do what is easiest in a difficult situation
Dictionary example:

I know you don't approve of his working methods, but why not take the easy way out this time and agree to his request?

Learner example:

On the other hand you cannot survive without your pay-check and to be able to both make a car[ee]r and have the time to be green, sometimes you just have to take the easy way out. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Danish)

easy · adverb /ˈiː.zi/
Nouns: ease, unease
Adjectives: easy, uneasy
Verbs: ease
Adverbs: easily, uneasily, easy
take it/things easy ()
B1 to relax and not use too much energy
Dictionary example:

After his heart attack, he had to take things easy for a while.

Learner example:

Take it easy and see you soon. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

easier said than done
C1 used to say that something seems like a good idea but it would be difficult to do
Dictionary example:

I want to ask her out, but it's easier said than done.

Learner example:

I know it's easier said than done but you have to try. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Swedish)

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