eat · verb /iːt/Full view
A1 I or T to put food into your mouth and then swallow it
Dictionary examples:

Who ate all the cake?

I haven't eaten since breakfast.

Let's have something to eat.

Learner example:

I want [to] go to the river and eat a big chocolate cake. (Key English Test; A2; Spanish)

A1 I to have a meal
Dictionary example:

We usually eat at about 7 o'clock.

Learner example:

I go there to eat whenever I have time. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Swiss German)

eat out
B1 to eat in a restaurant
Dictionary example:

When I lived in Spain, I used to eat out all the time.

Learner example:

If you don't have any plans next weekend, I want to eat out with you. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Japanese)

eat up (sth) or eat (sth) up
B2 to eat all the food you have been given
Dictionary example:

Be a good boy and eat up your dinner.

Learner example:

There wasn't any more time after eating it up. (First Certificate in English; B2; Japanese)

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