echo · verb /ˈek.oʊ/Full view
echo (SOUND)
C2 I If a sound echoes, or a place echoes with a sound, you hear the sound again because you are in a large, empty space.
Dictionary example:

Their voices echoed around the room.

Learner example:

Our cheer of delight united with the neighing of the horses and the din of the hens still echoes in my ears. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Italian)

echo (REPEAT)
C2 T to repeat something that someone else has said or to express ideas or feelings similar to those of someone else
Dictionary examples:

This report echoes some of the earlier research I've read.

Her feelings are echoed by other parents in the same situation.

Learner example:

I find myself echoing many of the points you have raised. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; German)

echo · noun C /ˈek.oʊ/
C2 a sound that you hear more than once after it hits a surface in a big space
Dictionary example:

I could hear the echo of the bell.

Learner example:

You can always hear the echo of a bell. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; French)

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