expert · noun C /ˈek.spɜrt/Full view
Nouns: expert, expertise
Adjectives: expert
Adverbs: expertly
B1 someone who has a lot of skill in something or a lot of knowledge of something
Dictionary examples:

a computer/gardening/medical expert

He's an expert on Japanese literature.

Learner example:

My "personal" trainer is Peter, he is a real expert in running. (Preliminary English Test; B1; German)

expert · adjective always before noun /ˈek.spɜrt/
Nouns: expert, expertise
Adjectives: expert
Adverbs: expertly
B2 having or showing a lot of knowledge or skill
Dictionary examples:

The center provides expert advice for people with financial problems.

What's your expert opinion?

Learner example:

We're not expert cyclists and we could [get] tired before we get to the Mountain Hostel. (First Certificate in English; B2; Italian)

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