fast · adjective /fæst/Full view
A1 moving or happening quickly, or able to move or happen quickly
Dictionary examples:

fast cars

a fast swimmer

Computers are getting faster all the time.

The fast train to London takes less than an hour.

Learner example:

I like fast music very much. (Key English Test; A2; Gujarati)

in the fast lane
C2 doing or getting the things that lead to rapid success and advancement
Dictionary examples:

Their hard work and successful software put them in the fast lane.

Fed up with life in the fast lane, Jack gave up his job and moved to the countryside.

Learner example:

Finally, should you ask why people are not happier than before, the answer is that nowadays they spend more hours on work than before because modern life is mostly a life in the fast lane. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)

the/a fast track
C2 a very quick way of achieving or dealing with something
Dictionary example:

These intensive courses claim to offer a fast track to wealth and success.

Learner example:

If I ever found a job which lives up to these expectations, I would consider myself on [the] fast track already. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Italian)

fast · adverb /fæst/
fast (QUICKLY)
A2 moving or happening quickly
Dictionary examples:

We ran as fast as we could.

The accident was caused by people driving too fast in bad conditions.

Learner example:

I rode my bike home as fast as I could. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Portuguese)

fast (FIRMLY)
C2 in a firm or tight way
Dictionary example:

He tried to get away, but she held him fast.

Learner example:

Thankfully, there are those who still cling to such age-old values as personal contentment and growth, regarding them as the anchors which hold happiness fast. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)

fast asleep
C2 completely asleep
Dictionary example:

I looked into his room but he was still fast asleep.

Learner example:

Then she took a relaxing bath and 20 minutes later she was fast asleep. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Spanish)

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