finish · verb /ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/Full view
Nouns: finish, finisher
Adjectives: finished, unfinished
Verbs: finish
finish (COMPLETE)
A1 I or T to complete something, or come to the end of an activity
Dictionary examples:

I'll call you when I've finished my homework.

Please place your questionnaire in the box when you've finished.

She finished the concert with a song from her first album.

Have you finished reading that magazine?

Learner example:

I have finished my course. (Key English Test; A2; Chinese)

finish (END)
A1 I to end
Dictionary examples:

The meeting should finish around four o'clock.

The play finishes with a song.

Learner example:

I will finish work at five o'clock. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

B1 T to eat, drink or use something completely so that none remains
Dictionary examples:

He finished his coffee and left.

We finished the pie last night.

finish off sth or finish sth off
B2 to complete the last part of something that you are doing
Dictionary example:

I want to finish off this essay before I go to bed.

finish · noun C /ˈfɪn.ɪʃ/
Nouns: finish, finisher
Adjectives: finished, unfinished
Verbs: finish
B1 the end of a race, or the last part of something
Dictionary examples:

a close finish

They replayed the finish in slow motion.

I enjoyed the film from start to finish.

Learner example:

We [had] a race and I [came] second [at] the finish. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

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