garden · noun C /ˈgɑrd.ən/Full view
Nouns: garden, gardener, gardening
Verbs: garden
garden (LAND)
A1 a piece of land belonging to a house, where flowers and other plants are grown
Dictionary examples:

a vegetable garden

He was working in the garden.

Learner example:

I dropped it when we were playing with your dog in the garden. (Key English Test; A2; Portuguese)

C1 public places where flowers, trees, and other plants are grown for people to enjoy
Dictionary examples:

the New York Botanical Garden

The Denver Botanic Gardens is one of the best gardens in the U.S.

Learner example:

Public places like the Zoo or the Botanic Gardens are closed, which effects tourists much more than the local people. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; German)

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