good · adjective /gʊd/Full view
Nouns: good, goodness, goods
Adjectives: good
A1 enjoyable, pleasant or interesting
Dictionary examples:

a good book/film

Did you have a good time at the party?

Learner example:

I think we [will] have [a] good time. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

A1 of a high quality or level
Dictionary examples:

She speaks good French.

The food at this restaurant is very good.

Learner example:

She likes eat[ing] good food from Argentina, for example barbecue[d meat] and salad. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Spanish)

good (PLEASED)
A1 something you say when you are pleased about what someone has said
Dictionary examples:

"I'm coming on Saturday." "Oh, good!"

"She's really making progress." "Good!"

good (HEALTHY)
A1 something that you say when a person asks how you are or how someone you know is
Dictionary examples:

"How are you, Amelia?" "I'm good, thanks!"

"How's Joshua doing?" "He's good, thank you."

Learner example:

Hi, Jo Is your family good? (Key English Test; A2; Spanish)

A1 successful, or able to do something well
Dictionary examples:

Kate's a good cook.

She's very good at geography.

He's very good with children.

Learner example:

He's [a] good football player. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Arabic)

good (KIND)
A1 kind or helpful
Dictionary examples:

a good friend

He's very good to his mother.

Learner example:

He is a good friend. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Lingala)

good for you
A1 making you healthy or happy
Dictionary examples:

Swimming is really good for you.

Eating plenty of fresh vegetables is good for you

Learner example:

I think playing basketball is good for you. (Key English Test; A2; Chinese)

A2 suitable or satisfactory
Dictionary examples:

Is this a good time to talk?

When would it be a good time to phone?

How about Friday - is that good for you?

Learner example:

Saturday is good for me, I hope that [it] is good for you. (Key English Test; A2; Portuguese)

A2 A good child or animal behaves well.
Dictionary example:

If you're a good boy at the doctor's I'll take you swimming afterward.

Learner example:

I made a promis[e], I['ll be] the good child for two months, later I['ll] return [to being] the devil child you know! (Key English Test; A2; Italian)

B1 morally right
Dictionary examples:

He's a very good person.

Try to set a good example for the children.

Learner example:

Only in this way can [we] give a good example to the new generation. (First Certificate in English; B2; Italian)

good (LARGE)
C1 used to emphasize the number, amount, quality, etc., of something
Dictionary example:

There was a good deal of discussion about how much the car was worth.

Learner example:

Your children have a good chance of getting a better education. (International English Language Testing System; C1; Farsi)

it's a good thing
B2 If it's a good thing that something happened, it is lucky or fortunate that it happened.
Dictionary example:

It's a good thing (that) we bought our tickets early.

Learner example:

I think it's a good thing that your parents [are going to] come, because [...] maybe it would make it easier for you to convince them to let you spend a week here during Xmas. (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

Good for you!
B2 used to show approval for someone's success or good luck
Dictionary example:

You passed your exam? Good for you!

Learner example:

That's great news! Good for you! (First Certificate in English; B2; Greek)

a good deal
C1 an agreement, arrangement, or situation that benefits you
Dictionary example:

I think we got a really good deal on our new car.

Learner example:

The possibility [of] get[ting] the needed staff from our own departments is absolutely a good deal for the company. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; French)

be good company
C1 to be a pleasant or interesting person to spend time with
Dictionary example:

Ann and Charles are always good company.

Learner example:

He is a bit narrow-minded and at first he'll drive you crazy, but once you get to know him he'll be good company. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Greek)

a good 20 minutes/30 miles, etc.
C2 not less than 20 minutes/30 miles, etc. and probably a little more
Dictionary example:

It takes a good half hour to get downtown to the office.

Learner example:

The Arts and Social science field also has a good 21% of graduates in further study. (International English Language Testing System; C2; French)

so far, so good
C2 used to say that something has gone well until now
Dictionary example:

It's the first time I've done any decorating, but so far, so good.

Learner example:

So far, so good, only no one told us they held this point of view before the actual christening took place. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)

be in good taste
C2 to be acceptable in a way that will not upset or anger people
Dictionary example:

His speech was in good taste.

Learner example:

I therefore t[h]ought that it would be in good taste to write about two of them. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Swedish)

good · noun U /gʊd/
Nouns: good, goodness, goods
Adjectives: good
good (HELP)
B2 something that is an advantage or help to a person or situation
Dictionary examples:

Even a small donation can do a lot of good.

It's hard work, but it's for your own good.

Learner example:

Please think about this, [it] is for your own good. (First Certificate in English; B2; Portuguese)

be no good or be not any/much good
B2 to not be useful, helpful or valuable
Dictionary examples:

Boots are no good if they aren't waterproof.

Food aid isn't much good until the fighting stops.

Learner example:

When [it] is raining, you get wet and that's no good to anyone. (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

do sb good
B2 to have a good effect on someone
Dictionary example:

A vacation in the sun will do you good.

Learner example:

I think that living and studying in another country will do you good. (First Certificate in English; B2; Greek)

for good
C1 forever
Dictionary example:

When he was 20, he left home for good.

Learner example:

He was renting this property previously, but he went back to Sri Lanka for good. (International English Language Testing System; C1; Singhalese)

C2 something that people think is morally right or will help others
Dictionary examples:

Even a small donation can do a lot of good.

Children don't always understand the difference between good and bad.

Learner example:

From a symbolic point of view, the whole book features the conflict between good and evil, between reason and primary brutal p[as]sions such as savageness and lust for blood. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; French)

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