group · noun C /gruːp/Full view
group (SET)
A1 a number of people or things that are together in one place or are connected
Dictionary examples:

I'm meeting a group of friends for dinner tonight.

The group meet(s) every month.

The children are taught in different age groups.

Learner example:

All our group [of] friends [were] there. (Key English Test; A2; Gujarati)

group (MUSIC)
A1 a number of people who play music together, especially pop music
Dictionary example:

a pop/rock group

Learner example:

I like reggae and ska music music, especially NSK, a very good ska group. (Key English Test; A2; French)

group · verb T /gruːp/
C1 to form a group or put people or things into a group or groups
Dictionary example:

The children are grouped according to their ability.

Learner example:

I would like to suggest that we should be grouped according to the level of our English proficienc[y] on the first day of the semester. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Japanese)

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