me · pronoun /miː/Full view
A1 used after a verb or preposition to refer to the person who is speaking or writing
Dictionary examples:

Is there one for me?

She gave me some money.

Could you pass me that book?

It wasn't me who offered to go, it was Charlotte.

Lydia is three years younger than me.

Learner example:

It is difficult for me. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

take it from me
C1 accept that what I say is true, because I know or have experienced it
Dictionary example:

You could be doing a much less interesting job, take it from me.

Learner example:

As you pro[b]ably already know, Greeks love sport[s] so, take it from me, you won't have difficulty in finding sports facilities of any kind, wherever you decide to go. (First Certificate in English; B2; Greek)

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