near · preposition /nɪr/Full view
A1 close in distance
Dictionary examples:

Is there a train station near here?

We were near the exit.

The hotel is near the airport.

Don't come too near me - you might catch my cold.

Which bus stop is nearest (to) your house?

I moved my chair nearer to the fire.

Learner example:

The park is near my house, about 10 minutes on foot. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Portuguese)

near (TIME)
B2 close in time
Dictionary examples:

He arrived near the end of the lesson.

It's nearer dawn than midnight.

We can decide which route to take nearer the time.

anywhere near sth
C1 used in questions and negatives to mean "close to being or doing something"
Dictionary example:

The house isn't anywhere near ready.

Learner example:

We could not have gone anywhere near 5000 miles because all our minibuses were broken down - we even stayed in one place for 8 days. (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Portuguese)

C2 almost in a particular state or condition
Dictionary examples:

The runners were near exhaustion.

I was near (to) tears at one point during the movie.

This is the nearest I ever came to winning anything.

Learner example:

It is strictly related to the fact that the old possess a vast amount of experience and are nearer to death. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Polish)

nowhere near
C1 not close in distance, time, amount or quality
Dictionary examples:

The house was nowhere near the ocean.

It's nowhere near time for us to leave yet.

I'm nowhere near finishing the book.

He's nowhere near as tall as his sister.

Learner example:

Although people are well aware of the current situation in Switzerland, they prefer looking at other countries and comparing us to them (we are nowhere near as fat as them). (Certificate in Advanced English; C1; Swiss German)

near · adverb /nɪr/
B1 close in distance
Dictionary examples:

I was standing just near enough to hear what they were saying.

Don't come any nearer.

Learner example:

And they are getting nearer, I must run for my life. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

near (TIME)
B2 close in time
Dictionary examples:

Her birthday was getting nearer and I still hadn't bought her a present.

As the date of his operation drew near, he became more and more anxious.

Learner example:

I would appreciate very much if you could reply as soon as possible, as the school holiday is drawing near. (First Certificate in English; B2; Chinese)

near · adjective always before noun /nɪr/
B1 close in distance
Dictionary example:

Where's the nearest post office?

Learner example:

When I arrived at the airport I went to the nearest [store] to buy a newspaper. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Polish)

in the near future
B2 at a time that is not far away
Dictionary example:

Space travel may become very common in the near future.

Learner example:

I look forward to receiving your reply in the near future. (First Certificate in English; B2; Russian)

C2 similar in characteristics or quality
Dictionary examples:

The nearest library is in the next town.

The park ranger said he thought this canyon in Georgia was the nearest thing to being out west for hundreds of miles.

I couldn't get any cream cheese so I bought the nearest equivalent I could find.

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