never · adverb /ˈnev.ər/Full view
never (NOT EVER)
A1 not ever, not one time
Dictionary examples:

We've never been to Australia.

I've never heard anything so ridiculous.

Let us never forget those who gave their lives for their country.

Wars never solve anything.

He threatened to shoot, but I never thought he would.

It's never too late to start eating a healthy diet.

Learner example:

I never have enough time [to do] it. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

never mind
A2 used to tell someone not to worry about something because it is not important
Dictionary example:

"I'm afraid I've lost that wallet you gave me." "Well, never mind, I can easily buy you another one."

Learner example:

Never mind Ally, forget it, I know you['ve] been busy. (Key English Test; A2; Chinese)

never (NOT)
B2 used to emphasize something negative
Dictionary example:

I never knew you lived around here.

Learner example:

I never knew what happened after I left. (First Certificate in English; B2; Spanish)

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