nose · noun C /noʊz/Full view
A1 the part of your face through which you breathe and smell
Dictionary examples:

a big nose

I've got a sore throat and a runny nose.

Come on now, stop crying and blow your nose.

Learner example:

It has a small nose, two big eyes, and wears a dress. (Key English Test; A2; Chinese)

stick/poke your nose into sth
C2 to show too much interest in a situation that does not involve you
Dictionary example:

You shouldn't go sticking your nose into other people's business!

Learner example:

John started poking his nose into her life. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Italian)

turn your nose up at sth
C2 to not accept something because you do not think it is good enough for you
Dictionary example:

She turned up her nose at the job because she didn’t think it had enough status.

Learner example:

Moreover, she will not turn her nose up at anybody who might be considered less worthy than her. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Spanish)

under your nose
C2 If something bad happens under your nose, it happens close to you but you do not notice it.
Dictionary example:

They were stealing money from under my nose.

Learner example:

You will be surprised that there was something right under your nose that you could not live without. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Korean)

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