party · noun C /ˈpɑrt̬.i/Full view
party (EVENT)
A1 a social event where people enjoy themselves by talking, eating, drinking, and dancing
Dictionary examples:

a birthday party

We're having a party to celebrate Jack's new job.

Peter gives/throws really wild parties.

Learner example:

I have the [sp]ace to invite my friends to [a] party. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; French)

party (POLITICS)
B1 + singular or plural verb an organization of people who share the same political beliefs and try to win elections
Dictionary examples:

a political party

the Republican/Democratic Party

He lost the Republican primary but may run as a third party candidate.

Members of his own party voted against the bill.

Learner example:

He organi[z]ed a political party called "Kuo Min Tang of China" and started his revolution to overthrow the Chinese monarchy. (First Certificate in English; B2; Chinese)

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