red · adjective /red/Full view
red (COLOR)
A1 being the same color as blood
Dictionary examples:

red lipstick

The dress was bright/dark red.

Learner example:

Op[p]osite [the] second bus stop is my house with [a] red door. (Skills for Life (Entry 2); A2; Czech)

red (WINE)
A2 Red wine is made from black grapes.
Dictionary example:

We ordered a bottle of red wine.

Learner example:

You can bring red wine, if you want, because we will be eat[ing] beef. (Skills for Life (Entry 2); A2; Polish)

red (HAIR)
A2 describes hair which is an orange-brown color
Dictionary example:

Both children have red hair.

Learner example:

Cassie, that beautiful girl with red hair, will come [to] it. (Key English Test; A2; Portuguese)

go red
B2 If someone goes red, their face becomes red because they are embarrassed or angry.
Dictionary example:

He kissed her on the cheek and she went bright red.

Learner example:

When Paul saw the girl who had blond hair and bluish eyes, his face suddenly went red. (First Certificate in English; B2; Chinese)

red · noun C or U /red/
A2 the color of blood
Dictionary examples:

She uses a lot of reds and pinks in her paintings.

She was dressed all in red.

Learner example:

Hey, Robbie... about that painting we're going to do [i]n my bedroom: I've decided to use red! (Key English Test; A2; Portuguese)

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