be · verb /biː/Full view
I am Spanish/a teacher, etc.
A1 used to give information about someone or something
Dictionary examples:

I'm tired.

I'm very well, thank you.

Hi, I'm Sylvie.

He's tall.

They aren't German, they're from Austria.

He was six at the time.

They were late.

The film was great.

Her house isn't very big.

Learner example:

My friend's name is Sarah. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Tamil)

there is/there are/there was, etc.
A1 used to say that someone or something exists
Dictionary examples:

There are six Italians in the class.

There are three bedrooms.

There's a store at the end of the street.

There was a good show on TV last night.

Is there a problem?

Learner example:

There are many interesting things. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

A1 used to say or ask where someone or something is
Dictionary examples:

He's in the garden.

Are you there?

I'm here!

The plates are in this cabinet.

Where is that letter?

Learner example:

I think my bag is in your kitchen. (Key English Test; A2; Portuguese)

have/has been to
A2 used to say that someone has gone to a place and returned from that place
Dictionary examples:

I've been to Mexico.

Have you ever been to the US?

Learner example:

I like Japanese people and I've been to Japan three times. (Key English Test; A2; Chinese)

be · auxiliary verb /biː/
A2 used with the present participle of other verbs to describe actions that are or were still continuing
Dictionary examples:

I'm still eating.

She's studying to be a lawyer.

The audience clearly wasn't enjoying the show.

You're always complaining.

I'll be coming back on Tuesday.

Learner example:

I'm thinking of painting it blue. (Key English Test; A2; Albanian)

A2 used with the past participle of other verbs to form the passive
Dictionary examples:

This dessert is made from eggs, sugar, and cream.

A body was discovered by the police.

The results will be announced next week.

I haven't been invited.

They were asked to leave.

Learner example:

I like it very much, because it is interesting and it was written by an excellent author, Lev Tolstoy. (Key English Test; A2; Russian)

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