besides · preposition /bəˈsɑɪdz/
B1 in addition to something or someone
Dictionary example:
Do you play any other sports besides football and basketball?
Learner example:
It's a Chinese food buffet but besides Chinese food they also have Italian food like pizza. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)
besides · adverb /bəˈsɑɪdz/
besides (EXTRA REASON)
B1 used to give another reason for something
Dictionary example:
She won't mind your being late - besides, it's hardly your fault.
Learner example:
I think that I'm going to buy "Troy" because it looks to me [to be] a great movie - besides, it reminds me of your vacations in Mexico. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)
besides (IN ADDITION TO)
B1 in addition to
Dictionary example:
Besides looking after the children, she runs a successful business.
Learner example:
But besides playing, you can also sit [i]n the "club lounge", where you can drink something with your friends or just play cards. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Italian)