sorry · adjective never before noun /ˈsɑr.i/Full view
sorry (APOLOGY)
A1 used to apologize for something you have done
Dictionary examples:

Oh, I'm sorry - I didn't see you there.

Tom, I'm really/so sorry about last night - it was all my fault.

Learner example:

Hi! Yes, of course I can go for dinner tomorrow, but I [will be] a little late, sorry about that. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

sorry (SYMPATHY)
A2 used to show sympathy or sadness for a person or situation
Dictionary examples:

I'm sorry (that) you had such a difficult journey.

We were both sorry to hear you've been ill again.

Learner example:

I was sorry that you couldn't come to my birthday party. (Key English Test; A2; Japanese)

feel sorry for
B1 to feel sympathy for someone because they are in a difficult situation
Dictionary example:

I feel so sorry for the kids - it must be really hard for them.

Learner example:

Anyway, I feel sorry for her and I wonder: what would I do if I were her? (Preliminary English Test; B1; Vietnamese)

sorry (SAYING NO)
B2 used to show politeness when refusing something or disagreeing
Dictionary examples:

I'm sorry but I think you've made a mistake.

I'm sorry, I don't agree.

I'm sorry, but I just don't think it's a good idea.

Sorry, you can't go in there.

Learner example:

I am sorry but I can't tell you the starting date right now, [although] I think it's around [the] 15th of July. (First Certificate in English; B2; Hungarian)

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