spotlight · noun /ˈspɑt.lɑɪt/Full view
the spotlight
C2 when someone gets public attention by being on television, in the newspapers, etc.
Dictionary examples:

to be in the spotlight

She's rarely out of the media spotlight these days.

Learner example:

Besides the conference cent[e]r will [put] our town in the spotlight and many political leaders will come and be aware of our problems. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Greek)

C2 C a strong light which can be pointed in different directions
Dictionary example:

They turned the spotlight on the lead guitarist during his solo.

Learner example:

At last, when the first notes came out of the or[c]hestra, a spotlight showed the enormous figure of Ludwig van Mill strolling in the forest, blowing his horn and grinning at the trees. (Certificate of Proficiency in English; C2; Portuguese)

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