test · noun C /test/Full view
test (EXAM)
A1 a set of questions to measure someone's knowledge or ability
Dictionary examples:

She had to take an aptitude test as part of the interview.

He passed/failed the written test.

Learner example:

I do writing, spelling test[s], speaking, etc. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Somali)

test (MEDICAL)
B1 a short medical examination of part of your body or of something such as blood that is taken from your body
Dictionary examples:

an eye test

a blood/urine test

a pregnancy test

The doctors have done some tests to try to find out what's wrong with her.

Learner example:

So I decided to call and ask for information, then as soon as I [had done] some medical tests I was accepted. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

B2 a situation that shows how good something is
Dictionary example:

This project will be a real test of his ability.

Learner example:

It's true that asserting oneself in society is a real test of self-reliance and that a lot of people encounter hardships. (First Certificate in English; B2; French)

test · verb T /test/
test (EXAM)
B1 to give someone a set of questions, in order to measure their knowledge or ability
Dictionary example:

You'll be tested on all the areas you've studied this semester.

test (CHECK)
B2 to do something in order to discover if something is safe, works correctly, etc.
Dictionary example:

None of our products are tested on animals.

Learner example:

Before we can use a certain med[i]cine, hairspray, make-up, [etc,] it might have been tested on animals to see [what] their reaction is. (First Certificate in English; B2; Danish)

B2 If a situation tests someone, it proves how good, strong, etc. they are.
Dictionary example:

This next match will really test them.

Learner example:

They were examining each other under the only lamppost around, testing each other waiting for the first move. (First Certificate in English; B2; Portuguese)

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