thank you · exclamation /ˈθæŋ.kˌjuː/Full view
thank you (GRATEFUL)
A1 used to tell someone that you are grateful because they have given you something, done something for you or made a polite remark
Dictionary examples:

That was a delicious lunch, thank you.

"Here's your coffee." "Thank you very much."

Thank you for my lovely birthday present.

"You look very nice in that dress." "Thank you."

Learner example:

I like pork meat very much. Thank you very much. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Mandarin)

thank you (ACCEPT/REFUSE)
A2 said to politely accept or refuse something that has been offered to you
Dictionary examples:

"Would you like some more cake?" "Yes, I will have a small piece, thank you."

"Do you need any help?" "No, thank you."

thank you · noun C usually no plural /ˈθæŋ.kˌjuː/
thank you
B1 something that you say or do in order to show that you are grateful for something
Dictionary examples:

I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone for all their help.

The chocolates were a thank you for looking after the children.

Learner example:

I'm writing to say [a] very big thank you for our fantastic weekend. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Russian)

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