very · adverb /ˈver.i/Full view
A1 used emphasize an adjective or adverb
Dictionary examples:

Thank you very much.

She was very pleased.

He's very kind.

The situation is very serious.

Think about it very carefully before deciding.

Learner example:

My teacher is very nice. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

not very good/tall/happy, etc.
A1 not good, tall, happy, etc.
Dictionary examples:

The film wasn't very good.

He doesn't sing very well.

Learner example:

My college is not very big. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Polish)

very much
A1 to a large amount or degree
Dictionary examples:

Thank you very much for the flowers!

I like her very much.

Learner example:

I like Bradford very much. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Urdu)

very · adjective always before noun /ˈver.i/
C2 used to emphasize a noun
Dictionary examples:

This is the very book I've been looking for all month.

You're the very person we need for the job.

He found the missing paper at the very bottom of the pile.

Learner example:

You cannot infringe individual liberties and ban the purchase of cars - it would go against the very fabric of modern society. (International English Language Testing System; C2; Romanian)

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