yes · adverb /jes/Full view
yes (AGREE)
A1 used to agree with something, or to give a positive answer
Dictionary examples:

"Would you like a glass of wine?" "Yes, please."

"Do you like Thai food?" "Yes, I love it."

"He's a really nice guy." "Yes, he is."

"Report to me at nine o'clock tomorrow morning." "Yes, sir."

"Have you had enough to eat?" "Yes, thank you."

Learner example:

Yes, I can come tomorrow for dinner. (Skills for Life (Entry 1); A1; Greek)

yes (ANSWER)
A1 used to show that you are listening to someone, or that you are ready to listen and to give them an answer or information
Dictionary examples:

"Dad." "Yes, what do you want, honey?"

"Yes, can I help you?"

A2 used when you are disagreeing with a negative statement
Dictionary example:

"I'm not a very good cook, though." "Yes, you are - you make wonderful food!"

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