yourself · pronoun /jərˈself/Full view
A2 the reflexive form of the pronoun "you"
Dictionary example:

Be careful with that knife or you'll cut yourself!

Learner example:

After that you could choose a partner to talk about what you usually do in your free time and the last thing was to describe yourself in front of the class. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Portuguese)

(by) yourself
A2 alone or without anyone else's help
Dictionary examples:

We didn't mean to leave you all by yourself.

Can you lift it by yourself?

Did you make the dress yourself?

You can do that yourself.

Learner example:

It is difficult to g[et] there by yourself. (Key English Test; A2; Japanese)

yourself (EMPHASIS)
B2 used to give special emphasis to the subject of the sentence
Dictionary example:

If you yourself ever need help, would you know where to get it?

Learner example:

If you are thinking of taking it up yourself always do [a] warm-up exercise before you run, don't go too fast at the beginning, and don't overdo it. (First Certificate in English; B2; Hungarian)

B2 used when both the subject and object of the verb are "you," and "you" is also being used to refer to people generally
Dictionary example:

You tell yourself everything's all right, but you know it really isn't.

Learner example:

You help yourself by doing some exercise. (First Certificate in English; B2; Portuguese)

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