SuperCat VERBS
SubCat phrasal-prepositional
Lexical Range 2
Level B2
Cando Can use an increasing range of verb + particle + preposition + noun or pronoun.
Corrected Learner Example I can look up to someone in admiration if he (or she) is dedicating his (or her) life to helping other people. (Switzerland; B2 VANTAGE; 2005; Swiss German; Pass)

Other people will see you as a knowledgeable person and they will look up to you. (Greece; B2 VANTAGE; 2008; Greek; Pass)

You should face up to the problem and tell everybody the truth, that you are working too hard. (Poland; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Polish; Pass)

We couldn't just swim and eat ice-cream every day of our summer vacation, so we sat down and came up with the craziest idea ever. (Sweden; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Swedish; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example The reason that I can look up to someone in admiration is if he (or she) is dedicating his (or her) life to help other people (Switzerland; B2 VANTAGE; 2005; Swiss German; Pass)

Other people will see you as a knowledgeable person and they will look up to you. (Greece; B2 VANTAGE; 2008; Greek; Pass)

You should face up to the problem and tell everybody the truth that you are working too hard. (Poland; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Polish; Pass)

We couldn't just swim and eat ice-creams every day of our summer vacation, so we sat down and came up with the craziest idea ever. (Sweden; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Swedish; Pass)
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