SuperCat VERBS
SubCat there is/are
Lexical Range N/A
Level A2
Cando Can use 'there is' + uncountable nouns as complement.
Corrected Learner Example I need it because there is some money in it which I have to pay to someone. (India; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2005; Malayalam; Pass)

There is some information about the new art class. (Spain; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2006; Catalan; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example I need it because there is some money in it which I have to pay to someone. (India; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2005; Malayalam; Pass)

There is some information about the new art class. (Spain; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2006; Catalan; Pass)
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