SubCat conditional
Lexical Range N/A
Level A2
Cando Can use 'if' + present simple with present simple, 'can' or imperative in the main clause to refer to things that are true now or very likely to happen.
Corrected Learner Example If I have spare time I always read a book. (Turkey; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2004; Turkish; Pass)

If you need to contact me, here is my number: 07938776341, so just call me. (A2 WAYSTAGE; 2009; Polish; Pass)

If you need some help I'm here to organise the meeting or to make the invitations. (France; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2005; French; Pass)

You can get to my house if you take the number 35 bus. (Italy; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2009; Italian; Pass)

If you need more information, call me. (Spain; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2006; Spanish - European; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example
Comments If' + present simple + 'will' with future reference doesn't properly emerge until B1. In ELT coursebooks there is a tendency to simplify this 'real conditions' structure to one pattern, 'If' + 'Present simple', 'Present simple' ('If you heat water, it boils') usually called 'the zero conditional'. The reality is that there are many more structures that express real conditions.

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