SubCat adverbs and adverb phrases: types and meanings
Lexical Range 2
Level C1
Cando Can use an increasing range of degree adverbs to modify a range of adverb types. ► adjectives ► adverb phrases: form
Corrected Learner Example The attitude of young people today towards keeping fit and healthy has almost completely changed. (Germany; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 1999; German; Pass)

Moreover, making use of some techniques I practised in the How to Negotiate classes is something which happens to me quite frequently. (Italy; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 1993; Romanian; Pass)

The mobile market is growing incredibly fast in Britain and your company is leading this process. (Brazil; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 2006; Portuguese; Pass)

Recently, the charity organised a fun-raising day, which went reasonably well . (Thailand; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 2000; Thai; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example The attitude of young people today, towards keeping fit and healthy has almost completely changed. (Germany; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 1999; German; Pass)

Moreover, making use of some techniques I practised in the How to Negotiate classes, is something which happens to me quite frequently. (Italy; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 1993; Romanian; Pass)

The mobile market is growing incredibly fast in Britain and that your company is leading this process. (Brazil; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 2006; Portuguese; Pass)

Starting at sold units of 10M, then falling slightly down to 9M units, they finally peaked at 11 million units. (Switzerland; C1 EFFECTIVE OPERATIONAL PROFICIENCY; 2004; Swiss German; Pass)
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