SuperCat PAST
SubCat past perfect continuous
Lexical Range N/A
Level B1
Cando Can use the past perfect continuous to talk about an action or event which began before a point in the past and was still continuing up to that point, often with 'for' or 'since', to give background information.
Corrected Learner Example I know it very well because we had been exchanging letters for a long time. (Spain; B1 THRESHOLD; 2008; Spanish - European; Pass)

She had been going there since she was ten years old. (Mexico; B1 THRESHOLD; 2003; Spanish - Latin American; Pass)

He began to think about his own thoughts while he was smoking a cigarette (he had been smoking since he was a child, since he was 12), when suddenly the curtain moved. (Italy; B1 THRESHOLD; 2004; Italian; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example
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