SuperCat PAST
SubCat past simple
Lexical Range 1
Level B1
Cando Can use 'yes/no', 'wh-', tag and negative question forms with a limited range of verbs.
Corrected Learner Example Did you receive my present? (B1 THRESHOLD; 2003; Pass)

How did you spend your weekend? (Uzbekhistan (Republic of); B1 THRESHOLD; 2009; Russian; Pass)

Why didn't he call me? (Brazil; B1 THRESHOLD; 2004; Portuguese; Pass)

We arranged to meet each other next Tuesday at 11 o'clock, didn't we? (Russia; B1 THRESHOLD; 2008; Russian; Pass)

Didn't you spend your last holiday with them as well? (Korea, North; B1 THRESHOLD; 2008; Korean; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example
Comments N/A

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