SuperCat PAST
SubCat past simple
Lexical Range 2
Level B2
Cando Can use 'yes/no', 'wh-', tag and negative question forms with an increasing range of verbs.
Corrected Learner Example Are you still looking for a job or did you succeed in finding one? (France; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; French; Pass)

When did you last see your wife and your children? (Germany; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; German; Pass)

It was great to have met you, and we certainly had a terrific time together, didn't we? (Portugal; B2 VANTAGE; 1993; Portuguese; Pass)

Didn't you tell me that you had to go to Orleans today? (B2 VANTAGE; 1993; French; Pass)

Why didn't you say something about it? (Argentina; B2 VANTAGE; 2000; Spanish - Latin American; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example
Comments N/A

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