SubCat indefinite - thing, -one, -body etc
Lexical Range 1
Level A2
Cando Can use a limited range of indefinite pronouns ('someone', 'everyone') as subjects, with a singular verb.
Corrected Learner Example I bought them because someone stole my luggage at the airport. (France; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2008; French; Pass)

When someone calls me, it rings with a very lovely song. (Cyprus; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2007; Turkish; Pass)

I liked the competition because it is an enjoyable game and everyone likes it. (India; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2007; Hindi; Pass)
Uncorrected Learner Example I bought them because someone stole my luggage at the airport. (France; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2008; French; Pass)

When someone calls me, it rings with a very lovely song. (Cyprus; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2007; Turkish; Pass)

I liked the competition because it is a enjoyable game and everyone likes it. (India; A2 WAYSTAGE; 2007; Hindi; Pass)
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