argue · verb /ˈɑr.gjuː/Full view
Nouns: argument
Adjectives: arguable, argumentative
Verbs: argue
Adverbs: arguably
argue (DISAGREE)
B1 I to speak angrily to someone, telling them that you disagree with them
Dictionary examples:

My parents are always arguing.

Kids, will you stop arguing with each other?

They were arguing over/about which movie to go see.

Learner example:

Peter told her his parents had argued and he came with his mother to London. (Preliminary English Test; B1; Spanish)

B2 I or T to give reasons to support or oppose an idea, action, etc.
Dictionary examples:

Several people argued in favor of creating bike lanes on the avenue.

She argued against tax cuts.

The mayor argued that cuts in all departments are needed to balance the budget.

Learner example:

It is often argued that family life is not important. (First Certificate in English; B2; Greek)

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